Corpus Christi, TX | (866) 580-1008

Looking for an Extra Income?

Become a Dealer
Are you tired of punching a clock for someone else???

Have you ever wished you had the freedom of owning your own business???

Are you sick of working in the corporate world but stick to a job you hate thinking “at least it’s secure”??

But how secure is it really?

In 2002 WorldCom with more than 107 billion in assets filed for what turned out to be the largest bankruptcy case in history…shedding itself of more than 30,000 employees!

30,000 people suddenly out on the street with no job and no income in sight!!

So maybe you’ve thought about starting a business…but what?? And how will you manage startup costs…find all the capital needed??? Handle all the government stuff…tax’s, IRS, Workforce commission if you have to hire employees….all that and support yourself till it becomes profitable??? If it ever does!

Very low start up cost! It costs just $49.95 per year to be in the Amsoil dealer program! ($64.95 for the Canadian market)

There’s no capital investment 

There’s no inventory requirement

Amsoil Inc. handles all the hard, boring stuff! Amsoil handles all the inventory…all the shipping….all the billing…collects and pays the sales tax’s to each state! You don’t even need to get a sales tax permit and deal with your states comptroller!

No territory! You can do business anywhere in North America!

No employees to deal with! No payroll taxes….No 940 and 941 forms and payments to the IRS!

You can work your dealership and build your business at your own pace from home! 

Part time to full time extremely low operating costs!

As an Amsoil dealer you make money in a few different ways.

As a dealer you are allowed to sign up business accounts. These can be end users like fleets that purchase Amsoil for use in there own equipment…or retail stores that wish to buy wholesale and resell to the public like garages and fast lubes.

And when they purchase Amsoil products….it goes form the nearest Amsoil corporate warehouse directly to your customer’s door….and generates a nice commission for you!!

msoil is also marketed through a network of independent dealers all over North America …as an Amsoil dealer you can sign up other people who would like to start there own Amsoil dealerships and you make a commission off of there sales too!

Meaning you have the ability to build a huge network of dealers under you who make you money as they build there business’s and make themselves money!

Yet not one of them is an employee so you do not have all the responsibilities of having a large number of employees. But profit from there efforts none the less! What could be better???

So Amsoil handles all the headache stuff….you just find the customers and get the commissions for there purchases!

So why should I sign up and become a dealer with your organization??? There’s many Amsoil sales groups around North America. How are you different than the rest????

That’s a really good question…. because like anything, getting great training and backing can have a huge impact on your success!

So here is what we offer!

We are part of the largest and most successful Dealer group in the company! I’m a certified dealer with 30 years of experience in the business!

I am a full time professional Amsoil Dealer and make my living this way….so I’m motivated to help you succeed while many dealers are part timers with little to show in the way of success or the time to really help you get started!!

I offer training and backing…including training materials that are proprietary to our dealership. You won’t get them from anyone else!

I know both the product line and the technical stuff inside out, backwards and forwards… including being trained and certified to sell to the industrial markets.

I am easy to get-a-hold-of…and available to answer questions. …in fact, if I’m not in my office…it rings to my cell phone!

Do you have a question right now about any of this??? 

Call me! 866-580-1008

It’s simple! Just click on the button below, it will take you directly to our Amsoil “sign up” page!

Fill out your information…pay for your dealership with your credit or debit card….and submit!

In about a week you will receive all your starter package and training materials’, including online training on the corporate website….

And I’ll get you started making money in the fastest growing part of the lubricants industry…synthetic lubricants!With the oldest and largest independent maker of full synthetic lubricants…AMSOIL!!!

Yes Larry, I want to start my own Amsoil dealership and join your team!